The Story

Oct 30 2021 • By Caleb Maccarone

Managing a growing business is no easy task. Getting stuck in the day-to-day and not having the time to optimize or scale is very common. Automating your business with custom software helps solve this problem.


When Sport Aircraft Seats first contacted us, they were using a simple whiteboard system to track their orders. While this worked well initially, it lost its effectiveness as business grew. The whiteboard space filled quickly, and the operational overhead of keeping it up-to-date created the need for a more scalable solution. At Qevka Technologies we excel at helping businesses automate their systems. We were happy to come alongside Sport Aircraft Seats, working closely together to create an optimized solution for order tracking.

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Sport Aircraft Seat's whiteboard for order management

Defining Core Features

To begin, we analyzed the current whiteboard system, making sure we understood exactly how it functioned. After a thorough review and discussion with Sport Aircraft Seats, we decided on the following core features:

  • Automated order-fetching from the company’s website
  • Customer detail / order tracking
  • Manufacturing process tracking
  • Employee management
  • Employee job delegation

After deciding on the core features, we moved on to the design process.

The Design Process


The design process begins with wireframing the entire app. Wireframes are essentially low fidelity ‘stick-figure’ type designs that determine where the buttons will be and how the core features will be laid out. As long as the client’s requirements are clear, this process takes only a few days.

High fidelity Designs

With wireframing completed, we began work on the high fidelity designs - how the end product would actually look. This process involved close communication with our client, ensuring a design, function, and color scheme that matched his requirements. In time, the design became more and more cohesive, until it finally resulted in a clean and simple design. You can see this documented with pictures here.

The Build & Release

Next we began building the app, releasing test versions to our client along the way. This allowed our client to experiment with the features we were developing and provide constructive feedback in order to optimize the app’s functionality. After the app was completed and in use, our client reached out to share a story of how the app had improved his business. One day while out of office, our client received a call from one of his customers, asking him which color they had previously selected for their seats. In the past, this would have meant writing down a note to look up this information and returning his customer’s call at a later time. But thanks to the mobile app, our client was able to access this data instantly and respond to his customer right then and there. With the help of our app, our client has seen improvements in his business’ manufacturing process, customer service, and overall use of time. What are the biggest bottlenecks holding you or your company back from maximizing productivity and scaling operations? Let's have a chat to see how we can help!